Canadian Disability Benefit: What Is It

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a banner with images of people with varying disabilities and no disabilities


Never before in Canadian history, has a government had a Disability Inclusion Plan in the Throne Speech with the commitment to a "new Canadian Disability Benefit modelled after the Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors". This is our community's chance to make sure this benefit is set up correctly.

Early in October, Plan Institute along with many partners, held two webinars to introduce the idea of basic income support and to begin conversations about what a Canadian Disability Benefit could look like - or more importantly should look like.

If you were not able to make these webinars, the presentations are now available on their website at:

Continuing to push forward, Plan Institute is now offering a free, 4-part webinar series throughout November on Building Momentum for the Canadian Disability Benefit.

This new series will have us learn from four Canadians with expertise and experience at system change. Together we will learn from other successful movements, strengthen the power of the Canadian disability movement, and clarify the roles we all play in supporting disability leadership.

This series will have live French-English translation, English live caps, ASL & LSQ interpretation and plain language.

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